Monday 29 July 2013

ETH 125 Week 9 Final Project/Essay

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Write and post a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that answers the following questions: (Attach a separate Certificate of Originality).
Have you learned something new about your own racial, ethnic, or cultural history?
What information about diversity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to others in ways that you may not have in the past?
Trends in immigration will continue to shape the demographics of the United States.What will the U.S. population look like in the year 2050? Why do you think so?
What challenges does the United States face due to the diversity of its people?
What are the benefits of such a diverse society?
 How can we foster a climate of acceptance and cultural pluralism in the United States?
In what ways does the media perpetuate stereotyping and prejudice? Provide examples to support your assertion.
In what ways does the media help foster appreciation for diversity? Provide examples to support your assertion.
How might individuals and the United States work together to reduce prejudice and increase appreciation for diversity?
How might you change your own behaviors to be more inclusive and pluralistic?

ETH 125 Week 9 DQ 1 and DQ 2

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DQ 1:  During his campaign for president, Barack Obama used the phrase “post-racial America,” which was understood to mean that race and other identity groups would cease to be targets of prejudice. Although such tolerance has come a long way since the 1950s, what more could be done to bring us to a completely “post-racial” society?
DQ 2: In his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” What has yet to be done to fulfill Dr. King’s dream for American society? What could you do personally to help fulfill Dr. King’s dream?

ETH 125 Week 8 Individual Assignment Appendix I

ETH 125 Week 8 DQ 1 and DQ 2

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DQ 1 Person-centered thinking places people and their capabilities, interests, and gifts before their diagnoses or treatments. For example, a child diagnosed with cerebral palsy would not be called “the child in the wheelchair” but instead would be recognized by the same traits that any other child might be: “Tommy likes trains and always remembers everyone’s birthday.” Could this practice of person-centered thinking be beneficial to other areas of diversity as well? Why?
DQ 2: Ageism refers to prejudice and prejudicial treatment against people older than a certain age (usually in the mid-50s). What do you think is the most common expression of ageism?

ETH 125 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2

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DQ1:  The women’s and feminist movements have been somewhat successful; women have gained access to high-ranking and high-paying jobs in many industries and fields. Are there still issues for women in the workforce? If so, what are they and what changes still need to occur? If not, what do you think made the movements so successful?
DQ 2: In contemporary American society, somegay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) individuals are open about their sexual orientation in the workplace. There is some representation of GLBT individuals in popular culture, including the film and television industries. Has this representation reduced prejudice and discrimination against the GLBT community? How? What more can be done?

ETH 125 Week 7 Appendix H

ETH 125 Week 7 Appendix G